A vingette from the Thai Festival 2022 at Moesgaard Museum. Thank you to the Royal Thai Embassy and to everyone who participated on the day. Filmed and edited by Katrine Pahuus

Watch the film and an interview with Museum Inspector Ulrik Høj Johnsen HERE

COMMUNITAS er et online fælleskab for alle nuværende, tidligere og kommende studerende på Afdeling for Antropologi, Aarhus Universitet. Afdelingen findes på Moesgaard Campus og er nabo til Moesgaard Museum. Udforsk vores blog, postkort og podcasts og lær om studielivet på Antropologi og Human Security samt livet efter universitetet. Deltag i vores fælles diskussioner i Forum:

Hvis du endnu ikke er medlem, så send os en mail på communitas@cas.au.dk - kald den "registration" og skriv dit fulde navn og hvordan du blev opmærksom på vores fællesskab.

COMMUNITAS is an online community for all current, former and future students at the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University. The department is located at Moesgaard Campus, neighbouring Moesgaard Museum. Explore our blogs, postcards and podcast to learn about student life at Anthropology and Human Security as well as life after university. Participate in the Forum.

If you are not yet a member, send an email to communitas@cas.au.dk - in the topic write "registration" and write your full name and how you became aware of your community.

Postcards from Fieldwork

Hvordan er det at være i felten, når man er studerende på Antropologi eller Human Security? På denne side deler vores studerende deres personlige historier om feltarbejdet, både før, under og efter. Uanset om man foretager feltarbejde eller feltpraktik i Danmark eller udlandet, indebærer denne type forskning en rejse ind i det ukendte, og man må som studerende være forberedt på uforudsete udfordringer. De studerende giver deres perspektiv på, hvordan de har klaret sig igennem, og hvad de har lært.

How is it to conduct fieldwork as a student of Anthropology or Human Security? On this page, our students share their personal stories from the field both before, during, and after. Regardless of whether you are conducting fieldwork or internships in Denmark or abroad, this type of research entails a journey into the unknown. As a student you have to be prepared for unforeseen challenges. The students offer their perspectives on their approach to fieldwork and what they have learned on the way.

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Postcards from Work Life

Hvordan bruger antropologer og kandidater fra Human Security deres færdigheder i deres daglige arbejde? Hvordan var deres rejse fra universitetet til arbejdslivet? Akademikernes karriereveje er sjældent snorlige. På denne side deler afdelingens færdiguddannede kandidater deres erfaringer fra livet efter studiet. Bidragsyderne arbejder i mange forskellige brancher og er i forskellige stadier af deres karriere. Du kan finde inspiration og måske endda et indlæg om den type karriere, som du drømmer om.

How do anthropologists and graduates from Human Security use their educational background in their work life? How was the journey from university to employment? The career path of academics is rarely straight forward. On this page graduates from Anthropology and Human Security share their experiences from life after university. The contributors work in many different industries and they are at different stages in their career. You can find inspiration and perhaps even a post about the kind of career you dream of.

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The PhD Blog

Denne blog er en platform, hvor afdelingens ph.d.-studerende inviteres til at skrive om deres erfaringer og indsigter fra deres forskning. Bidragene inkluderer perspektiver på både de store og små spørgsmål i antropologien: antropologisk feltarbejde, analyse, teori, forskningsetik og repræsentation. Det er op til den enkelte ph.d.-studerende at bestemme emnet, så gå på opdagelse. Du finder også en oversigt over afdelingens nuværende og tidligere ph.d.-studerende.

This blog is a platform for PhD students to communicate their experiences and insights from their research. The contributions include perspectives on both large and small questions in anthropology: anthropological fieldwork, analysis, theory, research ethics, and representation. It is up to each PhD student to decide what stories they wish to tell, so explore! You will also find an overview of the department's former and current PhD students.

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The Thesis Library

Her kan du læse om de mange specialeprojekter, der hvert år indleveres på afdelingen og få inspiration til eget arbejde. Nogle af specialerne er tilgængelige som PDF, og ved andre kan du læse et resume af deres afhandling. Kig efter PDF ikonet, hvis du ønsker at downloade et speciale.

Here you can read about the many thesis projects handed in every year at the department, and find inspiration for your own work. Some of the thesis projects are available as PDF. With other thesis projects you can read the summary. Look for the PDF icon, if you wish to download a thesis.

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