Johanne Tarpgaard, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2017. Resumé Baseret på et feltarbejde ved miljøorganisationen Plastic Change i foråret 2016 undersøger jeg i dette speciale, hvordan plastikforurening bliver skabt og …
Ocean Matters: An Anthropological Study of Marine Scientific Imaging in, on and with Icelandic Waters
Fine Brendtner, Visual Anthropology, Aarhus University, September 2020. Full text upon request via email, Abstract This thesis takes a multi-disciplinary approach, combining insights from visual anthropology, marine science, and …
Etnografiske Dialoger: Jean Rouchs bidrag til antropologisk epistemologi og repræsentation
Anne Mette Jørgensen, Kandidatspeciale, Afdeling for Etnografi og Socialantropologi, Aarhus Universitet, Marts 2002.
Åndernes Agens
Anders Norge Lauridsen, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University.
The Reality of Illusion and the Illusion of Reality – An Anthropological Study of Entheogenic Ceremonies in a Dutch Spiritual Group
Julie Dalsgaard Jespersen, Master’s Thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2016.
Landscapes of the Imagination. Icebergs and Uncertainty in Uummannaq
Antonius Lovmand Marcussen, Master’s thesis, Visual Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2019.
Healing Horses: therapeutic emplotment and mimesis in human-animal relations
Armina Maria Dinescu, Master’s thesis, Visual Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2016.
Traditional handcraft among Szeklers in Transylvania
Enikő Blénesi, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2019.
Sygdomsteorier og behandlingsteorier blandt aymaraindianerne på den bolivianske højslette
Annie Oehlerich, Magisterspeciale, Medicinsk antropologi, Københavns Universitet, 1992.
Everyday Security: a need to belong. A qualitative study of well-educated Syrian refugees’ resettlement process in Denmark
Pernille Milton, Master’s thesis, Master’s Degree Programme (MSc) in Human Security, Aarhus University, 2017.