Anders Norge Lauridsen, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University.
The Reality of Illusion and the Illusion of Reality – An Anthropological Study of Entheogenic Ceremonies in a Dutch Spiritual Group
Julie Dalsgaard Jespersen, Master’s Thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2016.
COVID-19 and the Toilet Paper Hoarding: Dealing with Waste in a Time of Crisis
In the wake of Corona (COVID-19) pandemic, we have witnessed the extent to which our world is globalised, fragile and as Thomas Hylland Eriksen puts it, “overheated” (Eriksen, 2016). Things are moving faster than at any time in the existence of human kind.
Forfatter og rejseguide: Hanne Viemose
Jeg tænker, jeg har et ret antropologisk blik med mig i mine bøger, den måde at se på aparte mennesker, eller mennesker der på forskellig opfører sig umiddelbart virkelig underligt.
Traditional handcraft among Szeklers in Transylvania
Enikő Blénesi, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2019.
Ugandan Superstar! – an anthropological study of youth, music and social becoming in Kampala, Uganda
Nanna Schneidermann, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, February 2008.
Echoes from fieldwork
It was the strangest morning. The news of one death had been followed by the news of several others.
Careful Clowns – An anthropological study of how clowns in Forglemmigej care for people with dementia.
Marianne Houmøller-Jørgensen, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, June 2017.
Fra feltstudie til koordinering af nationalt projekt
I begyndelsen af 2020 begyndte jeg mit samarbejde med Foreningen for Støtte til Transkønnede Børn, hvor jeg i dag har ansvaret for at koordinere rådgivningstilbuddet, udvikle informationsmateriale og understøtte netværksgrupper rundt omkring i landet. Jeg indsamler viden og erfaringer fra forældre og fagpersoner, som skal hjælpe flere til bedre at kunne støtte transkønnede børn og unge.
Demolishing homes, remaking identities: Social rupture and nationalism among Palestinian women in East Jerusalem
Sarah Gjerding, Master thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2008.