I’m Sarah and I currently work as Gender Specialist with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Operational Hub in Amman, Jordan that covers UNOPS projects implemented in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Djibouti. I graduated from the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Århus in 2008.
Questioning Secularization: An Anthropological Study of How Danish Teachers in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Navigate between Religion and Science
Christine Agertoft Svop, Master thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2017.
Find din niche: Seniorkonsulent i energisektoren
Jeg er ansat som seniorkonsulent i en rådgivningsvirksomhed, der primært rådgiver inden for energisektoren. Jeg fik min nuværende titel for et par år siden på et afdelingsmøde om nyt design på vores visitkort (det var lige så spændende, som det lyder😊). Mit visitkort var på projektoren og på det tidspunkt var jeg blot “konsulent”. Min direktør udbryder kækt “I think we can call you senior consultent now with all those grey hair you have” og så var det besluttet!
Der står journalist og tekstforfatter på mit visitkort
Jeg er uddannet cand.comm fra RUC med en BA. i Etnografi og Socialantropologi fra Aarhus Universitet. Min stillingsbetegnelse har ændret sig mange gange gennem mit arbejdsliv, men lige står der journalist og tekstforfatter på mit visitkort. Jeg har valgt at tilføje tekstforfatter, fordi jeg skriver mange tekster, som ikke er journalistiske artikler, fx undervisningsmaterialer. Til tider bruger jeg også titlen antropolog.
”Surfing can take you places” – Håb om en alternativ fremtid blandt unge lokale surfere i Papua Ny Guinea
Marcus Juhl, Master’s thesis, Anthropology, Aarhus University, Januar 2017.
Living on Light: An anthropological study of a seemingly irrational phenomenon
Rie Dalsgaard Jespersen, Master’s Thesis in Anthropology, Aarhus University, 2016
The most dangerous picture I have ever taken: Reflections on heritage and politics in Egypt
By Katrine Mandrup Bach “Labash! I don’t know the word in English – I don’t think there is one. But the situation is very labash” Rawya said. I looked at her …
Forstander for byhøjskolen
Af Stine Snede Willumsen Hvad er din stillingsbetegnelse? Forstander på Byhøjskolen (Aarhus Kunstskole, Musikskolen Frontsession, Fotografisk Skole og HF MUSIK). Hvordan bruger du antropologi i dit daglige arbejde? Jeg bruger …
Doing Fieldwork at Home: Studying Health in Rural Kenya
As a student, doing fieldwork at home is one of the most puzzling yet gratifying undertakings. From an outsider’s perspective, your identity and sense of belonging presents unadulterated access to local knowledge sources. For insiders, the notion of ethnographic research by one of their own; sons, brother, uncle and/or cousin, is mind-boggling. Claims of identity and belonging presumes that, what you are looking into is obvious; can you not see? Have you not heard? Do you really need to interact at different levels yet all this is common knowledge? Are you a stranger to the prevailing circumstances of the locals? These questions and many more emerge as one tries to gain access to the field at home.
Researcher in the Nordic Co-operation
In 2017 I graduated from Aarhus University and have since then held the proud title of anthropologist. My name is Louise Ormstrup Vestergård and here I will give you a little sneak-peak into my job as a researcher in the Nordic co-operation.