I’m Sarah and I currently work as Gender Specialist with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Operational Hub in Amman, Jordan that covers UNOPS projects implemented in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Djibouti. I graduated from the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Århus in 2008.
Der står journalist og tekstforfatter på mit visitkort
Jeg er uddannet cand.comm fra RUC med en BA. i Etnografi og Socialantropologi fra Aarhus Universitet. Min stillingsbetegnelse har ændret sig mange gange gennem mit arbejdsliv, men lige står der journalist og tekstforfatter på mit visitkort. Jeg har valgt at tilføje tekstforfatter, fordi jeg skriver mange tekster, som ikke er journalistiske artikler, fx undervisningsmaterialer. Til tider bruger jeg også titlen antropolog.
Working with conflict and mediation; Research program on Victim-offender meetings
Hello, my name is Søren and I am currently working as a researcher on a research project about victim-offender meetings in the Danish police’s mediation program. I’ve been employed at the anthropology department at Aarhus University from May 2018 and have learned a lot since then!
Forstander for byhøjskolen
Af Stine Snede Willumsen Hvad er din stillingsbetegnelse? Forstander på Byhøjskolen (Aarhus Kunstskole, Musikskolen Frontsession, Fotografisk Skole og HF MUSIK). Hvordan bruger du antropologi i dit daglige arbejde? Jeg bruger …
Researcher in the Nordic Co-operation
In 2017 I graduated from Aarhus University and have since then held the proud title of anthropologist. My name is Louise Ormstrup Vestergård and here I will give you a little sneak-peak into my job as a researcher in the Nordic co-operation.
Don’t. Ever. Quit. Working as a Podcaster and Guide.
I work as a podcaster, doing various shows on sports and music. While unemployment is never easy, I went for my dreams and I am still working hard to make those ambitions a reality and a profession.
Creating a chance! Working as a Project Leader with Dementia
Creating a change! That is 100% what drives me. People with dementia and their relatives have needs. If those needs are met, I believe – and have seen first-hand – we can create positive change, joy, and ease their lives.